Odor Control Systems
We have developed a line of standardized, pre-engineered, factory assembled odor control systems for treating odors at sewage pump Stations and waste water treatment plants. Pre-engineered Systems are Simple to Install, reducing installed cost and delivery time.
Two-stage biological system that provides point source odor control
- Biological reaction phase for the removal of H2S in the first stage with an inert
- inorganic media widely used for biological treatment
- Polishing second stage for
- residual H2S and organic odors with virgin activated carbon
- Capacities up to 5,000 cfm
- Compact, low profile design
- 99 +% removal efficiency
- Plug & Play installation (Factory Assembled)
- Reliable, low maintenance operation
How it works?
The system is comprised of two distinct process stages that can designed to be site specific depending on the type and concentration of odorous compounds.
Chlorine Scrubbers
The Chlorine scrubber systems contain and treat accidental releases of chlorine gas, limiting the atmospheric release of chlorine to less than 1 ppm. The compact scrubber systems are factory pre-assembled, piped, wired and tested, with a low profile suitable for either indoor or outdoor installation. The system design surpasses the requirements of the Uniform Fire Code.
EUROTECK is always ready to help you in keeping your plant compliant in any situation. For inquiry, mail us at info@euroteckindia.com | Call us at: +91 96876 93899