A2O/AO Process (Anaerobic+ Anoxic+ Aerobic)
The Advanced Activated Sludge Process or three-stage A2O process consists of a Modified Ludzack-Ettinger (MLE) process for nitrogen removal, with an anaerobic zone in front for phosphorus removal .The process is called A2O since it consists of anaerobic/anoxic/oxic (aerobic) tanks in series. The RAS is recycled to the anaerobic zone. The anaerobic zone is followed by an anoxic zone for nitrogen removal through de-nitrification. IR is recycled from the aerobic zone to the anoxic zone at a rate of 100 to 400 percent of influent. Nitrogen removal is limited by the IR flow and this is achieved by means of IR gates contrary to the heavy duty pumps which consumes high amount of power . This is a relatively simple process to operate. The process has a small footprint.
The A2O Treatment Process that is process for Nitrogen removal and phosphorus removal. It follows anoxic zone for nitrogen removal through denitrification. Traditional Oxidation Ditch process were utilizing the conventional surface type aerators/brush type/plate type and air Blower/diffusers for doing the BNR and Biological P removal and heavy duty IR pumps for recirculation.
Features which Makes the A2O Process Advanced
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