The Aeration and Mixing Equipment for wastewater treatment is basic part of the multi-step procedure of water and wastewater treatment. Euroteck Environmental Pvt Ltd guarantee to bring you more inventive and successful wastewater solutions.
The professionals at Euroteck Environmental have dedicated more than a decade to the research and development of leading technology aerators and mixers. In addition, we focus on a quality partnership to support new plant construction, providing valuable solutions for existing plants and facility maintenance.
The aeration system incorporates air bubbles in wastewater, which induces bacteria’s aerobic digestion of organic matter. It mixes the wastewater and spreads oxygen in the maximum water area because if the water is not mixed appropriately, microbes may die due to a lack of dissolved oxygen.
Euroteck Environmental’s varied aeration system designs and mixing equipment offer the least resistance, are built to last, and are one of the most recommended wastewater treatment systems. We provide trusted engineering expertise and tailored equipment to meet the customer’s specific needs, maximizing energy efficiency and lowering costs.
Aire – O2 Triton 2.O Series Aire – O2 Triton TR Series
Aire – O2 – Triton Process Aerator/Mixer Aire – O2 Series Aspirator Aerator
Aire – O2 Series 275 Aspirator Aerator Aire – O2 Antifouling Aspirator
EUROTECK is always ready to help you in keeping your plant compliant in any situation. For inquiry, mail us at | Call us at +91 96876 93899
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